Etched glass vase for the holidays

etched glass christmas tree vase lisa fulmer

This 11" tall glass brick vase was just crying for a little holiday touch. Because it's so tall and narrow, I thought a simple triangle-shaped Christmas tree would look nice and modern.

I used painter's tape to create a tall, narrow tree right in the center, then I spread my etchall etching creme across the surface with a small squeegee. 

After letting it sit for about 20 minutes, I removed the tape and washed away the excess creme. Then I taped a few lines around the edges and across the tree to embellish with some metallic glass paint. I tapped on the paint to give it some texture, like wrinkled foil. An etched surface gives the glass more tooth for glass paint to cling to.

This glass vase looks really pretty with the glow from a battery tea light inside. And so begin the holidaze!
etched glass vase lisa fulmer