i'm miserly with my paint, so my techniques were all about ways to use up leftover dabs of acrylic paint from other projects.
the strips on the left were cut from a piece of fabric that i randomly stamped and sponged with paint. because the paint stiffens the fabric, it feels more like paper and frays less when cut into ribbon strips or other shapes.
the blue fabric on the right was water-washed with a few different colors of paint, then left to dry under my ott light with a flower stencil on top...it's basically sunprinting indoors. the green piece at the bottom is white tone-on-tone fabric that i water-washed...the printed pattern acts like a resist.
i demonstrated striping techniques on watercolor paper, as well as scraping, stamping, and reverse stamping. it's fun to be loosy goosy with leftover paint, and i end up with a great stash of swatches to work with.
later in the week, i'll show you a few greeting cards i made with waste paste swatches.
click here to watch my demo from saturday (youtube).
click here to watch my demo from sunday (linq-to).
be prepared for casual, silly, and hopefully inspiring!
it was so great to spend some time online during world cardmaking day with my creative friends! many thanks to cyn, fab, and leslie rahye for all their hard work putting together these great webcasts! here are the various supplies i used during my demos:
- Soft Body Acrylic Paints
- Glazing Medium
- Iridescent Medium
- Fabric Medium
- White Opaque Flake Texture Medium
Crafter's Workshop 6x6 flower stencils
Fingertip sponge daubers
Foam marshmallows
Palette knife
Notched spreader
Permapaque Paint Markers
Martha Stewart Striping Brush
Mod Podge
Aleene's ClearGel Tacky Glue
Fluid 6x6 Watercolor Paper