so i looked up some different quilt blocks and found one called augusta. i used it as inspiration to paint an 8" quilt block on timtex layered with a 6" square of lutradur. i played with my dearly beloved textile tool to carve the star points and emboss a little 9-patch pattern around the edge.

- spritz an 8" square of timtex and a 6" square of lutradur with 2 contrasting colors of spray ink; allow to dry
- use acrylic paint and/or paint markers to draw and fill in the shapes you like from the quilt block - keep it loose like i did or be precise, whatever you prefer - allow to dry
- heat up the textile tool and use the fine point to carve some of the shapes into the lutradur, and use the square tip to deboss some texture into the timtex
- attach the two squares together with small brads at each corner