my response: "i {hate} football, so i will make it crafty by ignoring it and retreating to my studio!"
but then disaster struck....my brother had nothing to wear to his superbowl party today.
he has probably a hundred printed tee shirts in his closet, and he loves picking out just the right shirt for every occasion. since his favorite football team, the 49ers, isn't in the superbowl...he decided to root for the saints. his friend invited him over to watch the game, but alas, he didn't have a saints tee shirt - and i did not feel like driving across town to the department store.
what to do?

i got out the iron, the tap paper, the liquitex paints (how much do i love that they don't need heatsetting on fabric), some brushes and sponges, and one of his plain tee shirts...and just a scant 30 minutes later...crisis averted.