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this is a larger piece i just finished, 14"x20". it came about quite by accident...each section was a separate experiment with different materials and techniques. then i realized that each section had something in common, in that they felt industrial and architectural. i saw bricks, stucco, metal, glass, tiles, even roads and bridges. i found this thick black corrugated paper in my stash that reminded me of asphalt, which became a perfect background for my urban landscape.
above are strips of lutradur and translucent paper, folded or curled and glued to a backer, then spritzed with various colors of paint. below are woven strips of painted lutradur.
i stamped the dot pattern on gesso-painted cardboard, applied sand-textured medium on top, then distressed it with ink.
i painted a green acrylic square (scraps you can buy at the tap plastic store) with alcohol inks, and adhered a metal disc that was once an earring.
a friend at work gave me a bag of scrap plastic bits in all sorts of metallic colors, which i used to make a little mosaic.
i cut a tree and leaves out of lutradur, painted them, then etched them with the stencil tip of my heat tool.
i really liked stacking the sections like building blocks, and i like the contrast of the geometric shapes on the right with the more organic shapes on the left. thanks for having a look!