my favorite paint manufacturer, liquitex, posted a challenge on their facebook page. they wanted 6 artists to create an exquisite corpse. we were each assigned a body part to create in whatever style and medium we want. we email a pic of our piece to liquitex and then they will assemble our work into one collaborative "corpse" to share with all their fans.
i was told to make a left arm and hand. i decided to make it creepy looking for halloween, since i have not yet developed the skills to make a realistic looking appendage!
i sketched an outline of my own left arm and hand resting on the table in front of me. then i painted it with iridescent gold, silver, and copper acrylic paints, accented with a pearlescent violet. it really shimmers in the light!
i tiled it on two separate sheets because i want to incorporate it into a mixed media piece later.
i can't wait to see what the other 5 artists come up with!