these are the three needlefelted projects i created for the book...a birthday cupcake, valentines cupcake, and a holiday cupcake. use one as a pin cushion or just display them on a plate for fun. they were so enjoyable to make, and i promise it's not hard to learn how—you really should try it!
there are so many cute projects in this book, not just needlefelting either. there are projects to knit, quilt, sew and papercraft too. all the projects were created by c&t staff and authors. and it's just 6" square, it makes such a sweet gift for any crafter!
soooo - howsabout i offer up three free copies??!! here's how you can enter to win your very own adorable cupcake book:
for one entry: post a comment here
for a second entry: talk about my book giveaway on your own blog with a link back here...or post a link on your facebook page, or tweet about it. then post a second comment here to tell me you did it.
for a third entry: subscribe to my email list...enter your email address up there on the right. if you're already a subscriber, you're automatically entered once in the drawing! i promise not to bombard your in-box with junk, just some creative inspiration a few times a week.
i will pick three winners at random from all the entries on thursday night, june 4th. good luck!!