so here we are, the first issue of my own blog carnival!
i was interested in a theme about scrappy cards...i'm a firm believer in saving all my paper and fabric scraps. i enjoy the challenge of trying to piece together a card from a random pile of stuff...and i also need to reign in that spontaneous joy of buying as much as my eyes can see when i walk into a craft store.

so in this issue, you'll see a new scrappy card i just made and i'll point out a few others from one of my earlier posts. i also want to share with you some fun from other craft bloggers who submitted their posts to me, and some other blogs that i have found along the way that i hope you'll enjoy.
the first step in making a scrappy card is a "dump and jump". you dump your scrap drawer out on to the table to see what jumps out at you. i decided on a thank-you card with some fall colors and a scrolly design.
then while using my wonderful black kuretake zig pen to outline the rust strip of paper (after it was already glued in place of course), i went outside the lines (omg!) so i had to turn it into a hand-drawn pattern that parades across. i drew more little dotted outlines around the floral swirls and the green panel to make it all look intentional. that's another technique i depend on frequently...turn mistakes into design challenges. i can't bear to toss something i started without at least trying to save it.
a few other scrappy cards i've put together are here.
now for a drum roll please....
here are the creative submissions i received.
many thanks to you for sharing...keep those cards and letters coming!
• annette at craft stew created a beautiful greeting card with vintage clip art that she hand-painted and accented with fibers - love it!
• at keiki gifts (from hawaii!) you can check out her wide assortment of friendship chips, really cute chipboard collectibles for kids that you can buy from her etsy or learn to make yourself.
• fiona from the crafty writer conducted a candid interview with joanna campbell slan, a scrapbooking how-to expert who has written a mystery novel about a about joanna's experience developing her story in this new "craft cozy" genre of fiction writing.
i discovered a blog called elf-creations, written by a craft teacher in scotland. she just posted a fantastic 4x4 art card for a design challenge at this really cool site, mixed media monday. before you read her post, look at the picture...can you spot her mistake that she turned into a design element? i couldn't!
another fun blog i found is stash, stash and more stash. sarah is a cardmaker and papercrafter who shares her adorable projects and is trying to make a respectable dent in her "stash mountain." check out these super cute christmas cards!
well, that's a sure to come back here for issue 2 on november 14th....i'm hosting a craft jam with friends at my house this saturday and i'll be working on my own christmas cards. so since it's time to dust off the christmas list and decide who all to send holiday greetings to... i think issue 2 will be a holiday theme!
calling all papercrafters with holiday projects they'd like to, gifts, decor...let's see it!